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Sorbent Tube Conditioning Guide
This document intends to answer some frequently asked questions regarding sorbent tube conditioning:
- At what temperature should tubes be conditioned?
- At what flow rate should tubes be conditioned?
- How long should tubes be conditioned? Is 2-hour conditioning enough for every tube?
- Why are used tubes cleaner/better than new ones?
- What is the Memory Effect and how to overcome it?
- Why background levels differ from manufacturer to manufacturer? And from batch to batch?
- What really happens during conditioning? How clean could it get?
Camsco Loading Rig Instruction Manual
When using the CCLR it is important to make sure that the analytical system is being calibrated for trace amounts of the compounds of interest. It is assumed therefore that good laboratory practice (GLP) is followed with respect to solvent purity and syringe use/cleanliness. It is assumed that the tubes onto which the solution is to be loaded have been thoroughly conditioned and their blanks verified. Finally, it is also assumed that the carrier gas being used (whether air, nitrogen or helium), is of high purity and contains negligible amounts of volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
General Guideline to Air Sampling Practices
This document provides a general guideline to air sampling practice using CAMSCO’s thermal desorption (TD) tubes:
1. Sampling direction
2. Tube storage before and after sampling
3. Comparing active and passive sampling
4. Active sampling and breakthrough volume
5. Passive sampling and diffusive uptake rates
6. Analysis and quantification
TubeTrack™ Field Guide
This document provides a general guideline for operating TubeTrack™/Field Fenceline Monitoring software: